Sunday run crews: There are now three party locations: the MLS patio, the museum station, and the covered area north of the AMRS building. This means we could potentially have three parties scheduled the same day all wanting a ride as is the case on March 7th & 14th. Most run days have one and maybe two scheduled crews thus our ability as a club to accommodate the party members in addition to the general public is becoming strained. In simple terms, we need more volunteers especially on those days with multiple parties scheduled. Please look at your personal situation and see if there is any way you can help even if for only a few hours. If you can help on a regular basis, that’s great! If nothing else consider being on the extra board so that we can contact you when the need arises. Our public image not to mention donation are at stake thus we need more members to help out. We need Station Masters, Engineers, Conductors and Concession table/information people. If you can help, please contact Hank Gallo ( or 602-300-3396) or John Draftz ( or 602-942-3457) so we can plan accordingly.
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