FROM: Donkey, Administrative Assistant, on behalf of Stephanie Marks, President, Maricopa Live Steamers TO: MLS membership SUBJECT: Final friends night for the 2008-2009 run season. A friends night signifying the end of the 2008-2009 run season has been called for by Madame President Stephanie Marks. The membership is hereby called for duty at 5:00 PM, May 9, 2009 at Ford Station. Food in the usual manner will be provided but a donation to cover the cost of the food is expected from those that eat. We will eat promptly at 5:00. After dinner, the President will officially announce and explain her plans for the Steel Rail Tax Plan. The plan, which should be painless in her words, could cost the membership $100 per person per year. Family members may also be expected to pay whether members or not. When asked on how the membership might react to this plan, the President responded that she expects full cooperation and 100% participation from the membership. When asked how she came to that conclusion, she said, “they elected Obama didn’t they? They will be expecting a tax and spend mentality in this club too and by god I am not going to disappoint them.” Well, what about the board? How will they react? She responded, “positively positive on the issue.” Before getting the next question out she added, “they stand to make a lot of money off of this and won’t have to pay taxes either.” I have said too much already and surely don’t want to steal the President’s thunder on this. As patriotic citizens concerned with the country and the club, surely you will want to come out and hear all about this and support it. Remember: Friends night, 5:00 PM, May 9, 2009 at Ford Station. Notice I said Friends night and not a Tea party night. Save that for later. Oh I forgot to mention what the steel rail tax money will be used for. If she follows the current trend in Washington, she won’t have a clue where the money is going and what it will be used for. Smile when you pay the tax! After the dog and pony show by Madame President, we will run trains!! Donkey Harrington
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