Electric Loco Charging Guidelines

ATTENTION ALL CLUB MEMBERS Please note the following proposed changes to our club rules They will be voted on at the March Meeting Electric Loco Charging Guidelines FINAL DRAFT 260. Electric Loco Charging (Commercial Power Use Only): (02/ 2010) 261. Charging any electric loco shall follow all MLS safety guidelines. 262. Overnight charging is allowed with a maximum time limit of 24 hrs from the time the connection is made to an electrical outlet. In certain emergency situations, an additional 24 hrs time period will be allowed to disconnect the power extension cord. Cords are NOT allowed to remain on the ground. They must be coiled and stored for future use. It is highly recommended that if you cannot disconnect within the timeframe, contact a MLS member to perform this task for you. 263. Power connection cords must be UL approved and only be connected to a GFI outlet or standard outlet with a GFI breaker installed in the electrical box. Additionally, power cords must be 14 ga. for less than 50 ft. from outlet to charger and 12 ga. for 50- 100 ft. 264. Under NO circumstances are power extension cords allowed to cross any transfer tracks within the MLS yard areas. 265. Any violations of these guidelines will be reported to the BOD for correction action. cart loco